TAMobile 7 Android releases

This site contains an archive of TrackAbout's TAMobile 7 Android application files for use with Mobile Device Management (MDM) suites or manual installation. Releases are ordered from newest to oldest. Typically you will want the newest version (the one on top).

Press Control-F5 (Windows) or Command-R (Mac) to ensure you have the latest version of this page.

There are two formats, APK and AAB.
APK is the older, traditional Android application format and will work with all MDMs and manual deployment scenarios.
AAB is the newer Android application format that is smaller upon install (up to 60% smaller), but may not be supported by all MDMs.
When in doubt, use the APK format.

Newest Production Version

Production Archives


Current Test Version

This version should not be used with production. Be sure that users go into the app's settings and change the Environment to Test before testing.
When done testing, be sure to have users go back into settings and check the Environment back to Production.